About Tour de Talbot & Talbot Thrive
The bike ride known as Tour de Talbot has had many identities in the past. The current ride as it is was revived in 2021 and has become a very well known event under the umbrella of Talbot Thrive, a non-profit in Talbot County dedicated to promoting healthy, safe mobility for all people living, working and visiting our beautiful county. This event allows Talbot Thrive to raise awareness and funds through sponsorship and partnerships with other community organizations.
Talbot Thrive as an organization hopes to foster the development of trails and paths where all people feel welcome, respected and safe as they walk, run, ride or roll around our county and our towns. While our work focuses on the needs in our mid-Shore county, we are also involved with and support the creation of a regional trail network encompassing the entire Eastern Shore.
Talbot Thrive has several strategic focus areas:
1) Advocacy efforts in support of advancing the design and construction of new multi-use paths in the County;
2) Promoting safety improvements associated with the infrastructure Town of Easton via a Complete Streets Plan;
3) Being a vocal part of the newly established Talbot County Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission;
4) Providing educational opportunities for Talbot County School children through our learn to ride Rolling Rodeo programs and;
5) Partnering with other health-oriented organizations to get the people of Talbot County moving more!
Funds raised from Tour de Talbot will help to fund our efforts and allow us to push for the necessary work to make progress on these initiatives in the coming year.
Ride Accolades
“Thank you..thank you and thank you again for a fabulous event last weekend. I’m from out of town (Philly) and my ride partner is local (Wittman) and we did the 40 mile ride on our hybrid bikes. We expected to struggle a bit but the course was so well done (flat and interesting) that we breezed through! Can’t wait until next year! Really enjoyed the post race food and brews, as well.”